Community Mental Health and Consultation Services

Community Mental Health

As a San Antonio native, it is very important for me to give back to the community and city I was raised in. I enjoy going into the community and conducting workshops and speaking engagements for adolescents to increase awareness on mental health topics specific to this population. I also pride myself in serving as a supervisor and mentor to aspiring clinicians in the San Antonio and greater surrounding areas. I have been invited to appear on local newscasts and speak at high schools and educational institutions of higher learning with the goal of prevention and education regarding mental health issues. Please contact me for inquiries regarding this service.


For current clients, I provide telephone consultations with any of your other treatment providers (i.e. psychiatrist, treatment facility staff, referral therapist, etc) to coordinate your care. Of important note, I do this once a release of information is on file.

I am available for program consultations. If you run a treatment program and have a specific inquiry or concern regarding the development, restructuring; or, you are seeking an evaluation for improvement to your current treatment program, I am available for consultation.