Psychological Assessment and Therapeutic Services

Psychological Assessment

I conduct a psychological assessment at our first session prior to individual therapy sessions. A psychological assessment entails an in-depth clinical interview gathering appropriate information regarding your current life stressors, level of functioning, and relevant history to assist in formulating your treatment plan. At times, additional recommendations or referrals will come upon assessment, sometimes highlighting whether or not you need a higher level of care, and helps us to establish goals for therapy.

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is not a one size fits all experience. Your individual therapy and number of sessions will vary based on your goals for treatment. I use an approach incorporating my expertise as a licensed clinical psychologist. I use evidence based treatment interventions within a trauma informed lens including but not limited to DBT, CBT, CPT, psychodynamic, solution focused, and EMDR when needed. This means, I meet you where you are at in your current process. Therapy is an experience where at times you will experience growing pains and not always feel better right away. This is an offering for you and invitation for reflection and healing with me assisting you in the process incorporating tools to manage your stressors effectively. Individual therapy with me is a process where we work together to help you improve in all aspects of your life with support, guidance, and direct feedback.

Group Therapy

I currently offer group therapy for women needing community and support, those living through their perinatal and postpartum health journey, and those healing from trauma, just to name a few. Group therapy offers a safe environment where support and encouragement from peers allows for the practice of new behaviors. Group therapy can help people cope with symptoms, life events, and at times allows one to put their problems in perspective in a safe healing community. I conduct the following types of groups dependent upon the population: experiential, cognitive behavioral, IPT, skills training, psychoeducational and support groups.